People have asked me, “When is a time I can email someone for the museum?” Now is time, I am asking for your support as we meet with the council and senator for the city of Glendale this and next week. Below is a guideline for the email. Thank you.
Emails to the council/senator:
Here are the councilpersons and senator's emails:
Mayor Ardy Kassakhian:
Council Person: Paula Devine:
Council Person: Ara Najarian:
Council Person: Elen Asatryan:
Council Person: Daniel Brotman:
Senator Anthony Portantino:
Here is the content for the email:
Greetings __(Please indicate their name)__,
I would like to request your support for relocating the Martial Arts History Museum from Burbank to the city of Glendale. This is an excellent opportunity to not only keep history alive but provide a positive influence for our kids.
Why I feel this is important:
(Indicate that here such as preserving our history, teaching young people about the arts, building confidence, a new tourist attraction…you select what you want to highlight.
What the martial arts had done for me:
(Indicate how it has impacted you)
Indicate your name, where you are from