It’s almost here!! Dragonfest Expo
August 25, 26 2018 at the Pickwick Gardens Convention Center in Burbank
Without a doubt, the greatest martial arts expo ever!!! Filled with nearly 150 vendors, performances, demonstrations, toys, weapons, products, t-shirts, mugs, action stars, martial arts icons, celebrities and more. Don’t miss this amazing event.
Get your tickets today. There are no refunds!!
Date: August 25 – The Dragonfest Expo, 10 am to 5 pm – filled with vendor booths and performances. 17 & under are free. Active military with ID are free.
Date: August 26 – The Dragonfest Workouts. No vendor booths, just workouts and seminars. All active military are free. This is an adults only 18 & up event. No kids allowed.
Dragonfest is our biggest fundraising event of the year and as we go into our 20th year we are asking everyone to bring their checkbooks, bring their piggybanks, bring their credit cards and make a sizeable donation to the museum as raise funds for our larger location.
Many thanks to our primary sponsors.
Visit Burbank:
Dr. Kam Yuen of Yuen Method:
Attached is two of the flyers from Dr. Kam Yuen.