
Museum News

What’s New at the Martial Arts History Museum!

EXPERT CLASS: Now you can enjoy some great training videos from some of the greatest martial arts legends ever!!! This week, we are proud to include some workout and inspirational videos from ERNIE REYES!!! Don’t miss it!!!


MUSEUM STORE: We have finally started the move to our new, online store. It’s Etsy. Every week or so, we will be adding some new products for you to enjoy. Up first, our first and most iconic museum cap, the LOGO CAP!!!


BIOGRAPHY ON YOUTUBE: Many thanks to all who are making the Museum’s Youtube page a success. Every few days, we add more and more great videos for you to enjoy. First of many, please enjoy free SENSEI CECIL PEOPLES official Museum Biography:


PICTORIAL HISTORY ON YOUTUBE: Over the years, we have had the pleasure of honoring a number of figures in the martial arts community with a special day. Well, we thought we would share their pictorial history with you to enjoy as well. First up, SENSEI FUMIO DEMURA:



Support the Martial Arts History Museum by making a donation today. The history of the martial arts is in your hands. Let’s give back.

Martial Arts History Museum