
Museum Updates

Museum News and Information

We are excited that we will be able to fully open to the public very soon. In fact, we are tentatively setting a grand “re-opening day” this September. Yes, the Museum is currently open to the public, but our events are not yet ready, but soon they will be. We hope you can attend and look for our new Calendar of Events.


Museum Caps
Everyone looks good in a Museum cap and you won’t believe the new selections we are putting up for you to enjoy. Be like Cynthia Rothrock who has six Museum caps. You can purchase through our link here:


Museum Beautification
Eagle Scout Day! August 28, 11 am to 6 pm. Join us as we support Shane Nepomuceno in his Eagle Scout project to beautify the front entrance of the Martial Arts History Museum. We are asking for your support and the support of Scout BSA Troop 228 to visit the Museum on August 28 from 11 am to 6 pm. A special discounted fee of just $5 for everyone will go towards the costs of construction for the front of the Museum. We hope to see you there as we support the efforts of our youth.


Grand Re-Opening
It’s September 18, 2021 for the “Grand Re-Opening” of the Museum. Hey, it’s been too long since we all got together, and what a great way than a GRAND RE-OPENING. We’ll have fun, celebs, a mini “dragonfest” if you will, and maybe little treats to nibble on. The cost is the same, just $10 at the door. Festivities will begin about 1 pm to around 6 pm-ish.

It has always been our goal to relocate the Museum to a larger facility. In addition to being a Museum and a resource center for martial arts and Asian history, the Museum does a lot of humanitarian work throughout the community. Imagine how much more we could do if we had a larger facility. I encourage you to support this great cause. It is the only home for the martial arts worldwide and it is the only place keeping our history alive. Please consider making a generous donation to this non-profit organization. You can make a difference!!!


Martial Arts History Museum
2319 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, Ca 91506